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E-mail: gzhnie@hotmail.com



2008年9月-2011年6月, 博士,华南理工大学发光材料与器件国家重点实验室,微电子学与固体电子学专业,工学博士

2003年9月-2006年6月, 硕士,中南大学,凝聚态物理专业,理学硕士

1999年9月-2003年6月, 本科,湖南科技大学物理与电子科学学院,物理学专业,理学学士


2015年12月~至今, 湖南科技大学物理与电子科学学院,电子系,副教授

2014年7月~2015年12月, 湖南科技大学物理与电子科学学院,电子系,讲师

20125~20147月, 天马微电子股份有限公司工作站/华南理工大学流动站,博士后

2008年11月~2012年5月, 湖南科技大学物理与电子科学学院,物理系,讲师

2006年7月~2008年11月, 湖南科技大学物理与电子科学学院,物理系,助教




(3)湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2016JJ2059, 新型内嵌金属氧化物有机薄膜晶体管的阈值电压的调控及其物理机制的研究, 2016.01-2018.12,5万,在研,主持;




(7)湖南省教育厅科研重点项目,18A205, 应变下二维MXene异质结铁电性增强的机理及设计, 2019.03-2021.12,5万,在研,参与;



1)Ying Xu*, S. X. Jiang , Wen-Jin Yin , Wei Sheng, Ling-Xi Wu , Guo-Zheng Nie , Zhimin Ao ,Adsorption behaviors of HCN, SO2, H2S and NO molecules on graphitic carbon nitride with Mo atom decoration,Applied Surface Science,501,144199 (2020) .

2)Yao Tan,Ying Xu and Zhimin Ao,Nitrogen fixation on a single Mo atom embedded stanene monolayer: a computational study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 13981 (2020).

3)Chong Li,Ying Xu*, Wei Sheng, Wen-Jin Yin, Guo-Zheng Nie and Zhimin Ao,A promising blue phosphorene/C2N van der Waals type-II heterojunction as a solar photocatalyst: a first-principles study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 22, 615--623 (2020).

4)Ying Zhou, Ying Xu*, Ling-Xi Wu, Passivated B-O, B-S codoping to improve the photocatalytic efficiencyin C2N monolayer: First-principles study, Physics Letters A 384, 126326 (2020).

5)Investigation of the electronic structure of two-dimensional GaN/Zr2CO2 hetero-junction: Type-II band alignment with tunable bandgap,Xue Ting Zhu, Ying Xu*, Yong Cao, Yu Qing Zhao, Wei Sheng, Guo-Zheng Nie, Zhimin Ao, Applied Surface Science, 542 (2021) 148505.

6Guozheng Nie(聂国政), Junbiao Peng, Linfeng Lan , Xuxin Li, Yujun Zhao, Electronic structure of oxygen-vacancy defects in Ta doped InGaZnO4 semiconductors, J. Mater. Chem.,(已接受)(JCR 1区)

7)Guozheng Nie*(聂国政), BiaoDong, Shaobing Wu, Shiping Shan,Ying Xu, Yunxin Liu. Analysis of CuO Charge Separation Zone used in Organic Thin-Film Transistor with a Controllable Threshold Voltage, ACS OMEGA ,2019, 4, 8506−8511

8)Biao Dong1, Xiaofeng Wu1, Guozheng Nie *(聂国政,通讯作者), Yunxin Liu* et al , Observation of high efficient photothermal conversion of sub-10 nm Au nanoparticles coated on upconversion nanoparticles, Optical materials, 2020, 101 :109665-109671.

8) Guozheng Nie,Junbiao Peng* ,Linfeng Lan,Ruixia Xu,Yong Cao,Tuning on threshold voltage of organic field-effect transistorwith a copper oxide layer,Organic Electronics 12 (2013) 429–434,2011.03.10,12(3):429~434

10) G. Z. Nie聂国政 ,C. L. Zhong* ,L. E. Luo,Y. Xu,A modification of usual C–V measurement to more precisely characterizethe band offsets in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions,Results in Physics,2015.10.19,5:286~289

11) G. Z. Nie聂国政*, D. F. Zou, C. L. Zhong, and Y. Xu, Analysis of improved characteristics of pentacene thin-film transistor with an embedded copper oxide layer. Acta Physica Sinica, 2015, 64(22):228502-1~228502-7

12) G. Z. Nie聂国政*Junbiao Peng**,Renlong zhou,Organic field-effect transistor with low-cost CuI /Al bilayer electrodeActa Physica Sinica,2011,60(12):523~528


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