姓名: 张新玉
职称: 副教授
E-mail: zhangxinyu247@163.com
研究领域: 模式识别、人工智能、数据处理与分析
掌握的外国语: 英语
来校时间: 2021年7月
2006.09~2010.06 中国矿业大学 本科
2010.09~2013.06 中国矿业大学 硕士研究生(保送)
2016.09~2021.06 武汉大学 博士研究生
2023.01~至今 中南大学 博士后
2021.07-至今 湖南工商大学,教师
社会兼职:《electronics》期刊客座编辑、《ACM Transactions on Data Science》、《Pattern Recognition》、《Knowledge Based Systems》、《Neural Computing and Applications》等SCI期刊审稿人。
1. 湖南工商大学2022年度先进工作者
2. 湖南工商大学首届教学创新大赛一等奖
3. 湖南工商大学课堂教学三十佳
4. 湖南工商大学2022年信息化教学竞赛二等奖
5. 武汉大学研究生学术创新二等奖
6. 武汉大学博士论坛一等奖
7. ADMA国际会议最佳学生论文亚军
[1] Jing X.-Y.(博导), 张新玉, Zhu X., Wu F., You X., Gao Y., Shan S., Yang J. Multiset feature learning for highly imbalanced data classification, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021, 43(1): 139-156. (CCF A 类期刊、校定外文A+、SCI 一区期刊,ESI高被引论文)
[2] 张新玉(通信作者)等, A Weighted Symmetric Graph Embedding Approach for Link Prediction in Undirected Graphs,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,doi.org/10.1109/TCYB.2022.3181810 (校定外文A+、SCI 一区期刊)
[3] 张新玉, Li X., Jing X.-Y., Cheng L. Simultaneous image reconstruction and feature learning with 3D-CNNs for image set based classification, ACM Transactions on Data Science, 2021, 2(2):12:1-12:13. (数据科学领域权威期刊)
[4] 张新玉, Jing X.-Y., Zhu X., Ma F. Semi-supervised person re-identification by similarity embedded cycle GANs. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32(17): 14143-14152.(SCI二区期刊)
[5] Liu J., 张新玉(通信作者). Truthful resource trading for dependent task offloading in heterogeneous edge computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022,doi: 10.1016/j.future.2022.03.010.(SCI小类一区期刊)
[6] 张新玉,Li W., Zhu X., Jing X.-Y. Improving actor-critic structure by relatively optimal historical information for discrete system, Neural Computing and Applications, 2022,doi: 10.1007/s00521-022-06988-x. (SCI二区期刊)
[7] 张新玉, Li S., Jing X.-Y., Ma F., Zhu C. Unsupervised domain adaption for image-to-video person re-identification, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020, 79(45-46): 33793-33810. (CCF C类期刊)
[8] Li X., Zhou K., Li C., 张新玉, Liu Y., Wang Y. Multiview clustering via neighbor domain correlation learning. Neural Computing and Applications, 2021, 33(8): 3403-3415. (SCI二区期刊)
[9] Zhu X, Jing X.-Y., You X., 张新玉, Zhang T. Video-based person re-identification by simultaneously learning intra-video and inter-video distance metrics. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2018, 27(11): 5683-5695.(CCF A 类期刊、校定外文A+、SCI一区期刊)
[10] Zhu X., Jing X.-Y., Zhang F, 张新玉, You X., Xiang C. Distance learning by mining hard and easy negative samples for person re-identification. Pattern Recognition, 2019, 95: 211-222.(CCF B 类期刊、SCI 一区期刊)
[11] Ma F., Zhu X., 张新玉, Yang L., Zuo M., Jing X.-Y. Low illumination person re-identification. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(1): 337-362 (2019) (CCF C类期刊)
[12] Li S., Jing X.-Y., Zhu X., 张新玉, Ma F., Deep metric learning with symmetric triplet constraint for person re-identification. International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2017: 632-641. (CCF C类会议)
[13] Li X., Wang Y., Song J., Liu Y., 张新玉, Zhou K., Li C. A low cost and un-cancelled laplace noise based differential privacy algorithm for spatial decompositions, World Wide Web Journal, 2020, 23(1): 549-572. (CCF B类期刊)
版权所有 © 2019 湖南工商大学研究生院