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发表时间:2022-02-25 点击次数:





联系电话: 15116120320





2012年9月-2017年6月 湖南师范大学 凝聚态物理专业(硕博连读)博士

2006年9月-2010年6月 湖南师范大学 物理学专业 本科


2019年12月-至今 湖南工商大学 微电子与物理学院微电子技术系 副教授

2017年09月-2019年11月 中南大学 物理与电子学院博士后

2017年11月-2019年07月 香港浸会大学(香港城大与香港科大联合项目)计算与理论研究所 助理研究员


湖南省物理学会常务理事,双创实战高级导师,教育部学位中心评审专家,省自科基金评审专家,受邀担任ACS Materials Letters、Nanotechnology、ACS Applied Nano Materials、J. Phys-Condens. Mat.、Nanoscale Res. Lett.、J. Phys-D Appl. Phys.、Physica Scripta、J. Appl. Phys.、Annalen der Physik等10余家SCI期刊审稿人。










[1] 2021年立项湖南省教育厅线上线下混合式一流课程《大学物理》,在研,主持;

[2] 2021年立项湖南省教育厅教学改革项目,Grant No.HNJG-2021-0748,在研,主持;

[3] 2021年立项湖南工商大学研究生教改课题,Grant No.YJG2021YB02,在研,主持;

[4] 2020年立项湖南省教育厅科学研究基金(优秀青年)项目,Grant No.20B144,在研,主持;

[5] 2020年立项湖南省教育厅课程思政(改革实践)项目,Grant No. HNKCSZ-2020-0410,在研,主持;

[6] 2019年立项中国博士后科学基金(特别资助)项目,Grant No. 2019T120710, 结题,主持;

[7] 2018年立项国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金)项目,Grant No. 61801520, 在研,主持;

[8] 2018年立项中国博士后科学基金(面上资助)项目,Grant No. 2018M642997, 结题, 主持;

[9] 2018年立项低维量子结构与调控教育部重点实验室开放课题,Grant No. QSQC1709,结题,主持;

[10] 2017年立项湖南省自然科学基金(青年)项目,Grant No. 2018JJ3521,结题,主持;

[11] 2017年立项国家自然科学基金(面上)项目,Grant No. 11774085,在研,参与;

[12] 2016年立项国家自然科学基金(面上)项目,Grant No. 51671086,在研,参与;

[13] 2015年立项香港政府科学资助基金,Grant No.C2014-15G,结题,参与。


[1] Liemao Cao, Xiaobo Li*(通讯),Yun Li, Guanghui Zhou. Electrical property and spintronic application of carbon phosphode nanoribbons with edge functionalization. J. Mater. Chem. C,8, 9313-9321(2020). IF:7.393;Q1TOP期刊

[2] Ken Cham-Fai Leung*, Xiao-Bo Li(理论一作), Xuan Li, Siu-Fung Lee, Jimmy C. Yu, Paula M. Mendes, Klaus E. Hermann, Michel A. Van Hove*. Soft Nanohand Grabs a Growing Nanoparticle. Mater. Chem. Front., 3, 1555-1564 (2019).IF:6.788; Q1

[3] Xiaobo Li, Liemao Cao, Mengqiu Long, Ziran Liu, Guanghui Zhou*. Spin-charge transport properties of a Z-shaped α-graphyne nanoribbon junction with different edge passivations, Carbon, 131, 160 (2018).IF: 9.594; Q1,TOP期刊

[4] Liemao Cao, Xiaobo Li(共同一作), Chunxia Jia, Guang Liu, Ziran Liu, and Guanghui Zhou*. Spin-charge transport properties for graphene/graphyne zigzag-edged nanoribbon heterojunctions: A first-principles study, Carbon, 127, 519–526 (2018). IF: 9.594; Q1, TOP期刊

[5] Yun Li, Xiaobo Li, Shidong Zhang, Xiaojiao Zhang and Mengqiu Long. Spin-resolved band structures and transport properties of δ-graphyne nanoribbon with bilateral or unilateral fluorination. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 546, 168842 (2022). IF=3.046;Q1

[6] Xiaojing Wang,*, Xiaobo Li, Hui Xu, Longhui He, Xuelei Li, Yulan Dong and Xianfeng Chen. Third-order nonlinear phenomenon generated on the inner surface of bulk lithium niobate crystals with magnesium doping. Chin. Opt. Lett., 20(3), 031901(2022). IF:2.448; Q2

[7] Xiaojiao Zhang, Dandan Peng, Xiaoliang Xie, Xiaobo Li, Yulan Dong, and Mengqiu Long*. Modulating the spin-dependent electronic structures and transport properties of zigzag α-2 graphyne nanoribbons by boron doping. Eur. Phys. J. B. 9486 (2021).IF:1.5;Q3

[8] ZhonghuiXu, BingLuo, YanChen, XiaoboLi*(通讯), ZhenChen, QiumingYuan, XianboXiao. High sensitivity and anisotropic broadband photoresponse of Td-WTe2. Phys. Lett. A 389,127093(2021). IF:2.654;Q2

[9]Yun Li, Xiaobo Li, Shidong Zhang, Liemao Cao, Fangping Ouyang and Mengqiu Long. Strain Investigation on Spin-Dependent Transport Properties of γ-Graphyne Nanoribbon Between Gold Electrodes. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 16(5), 185(2021) IF=4.703;Q1

[10] Huili Li, Xiaobo Li*(通讯),Chunxia Jia, Tong Chen, Xianbo Xiao, Guanghui Zhou. Multifunctionality for the nanojunction of a rotating p-phenylene vinylene molecule between graphene leads.Phys. Lett. A 384(26),126709(2020). IF:2.654; Q2

[11] Guoliang Yu, Wence Ding, Xianbo Xiao, Xiaobo Li,Guanghui Zhou*. Rectifying performance of heterojunction based on α-borophene nanoribbons with edge passivations.Nanoscale Res. Lett. 15,185(2020).IF:4.703; Q1

[12] Aihemaitijiang Sidike, Guanghua Guo, Xiaobo Li*(通讯), Dongde Li, Yaozhuang Nie, Biaobing Cao, Haiming Duan, and Mengqiu Long. Spin Dependent Electronic Transport Properties of Zigzag Black Phosphorene Nanojunctions Induced by H, Li, O, Co Asymmetric Edge Saturations. Phys. Lett. A 384(5),126123(2020). IF:2.654; Q2

[13] Shunxi Tang, Xiaobo Li, Xianbo Xiao,* Xinyou Zhang,* and Qiliang Cui.Effffects of NH3Flow Rate on the Growth Mechanism and Optical Properties of InN Crystallites Fabricated by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Cryst. Growth Des. 20,4928-4934(2020). IF:4.076; Q1

[14] Xiaobo Li, Yun Li, Xiaojiao Zhang, Mengqiu Long*, Guanghui Zhou. Spin-Resolved Electronic and Transport Properties of Graphyne-based Nanojunctions with Different N-Substituting Positions. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 14(1), 299 (2019). IF:4.703Q1

[15] Liemao Cao, Xiaobo Li*(通讯), Min Zuo, Chunxia Jia, Wenhu Liao, Guanghui Zhou. Perfect negative differential resistance, spin-filter and spin-rectification transport behaviors in zigzag-edged δ-graphyne nanoribbon-based magnetic devices. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 485, 136-141 (2019).IF:3.046; Q1

[16] Tong Chen, Liang Xu, Quan Li, Xiaobo Li, Mengqiu Long. Direction and strain controlled anisotropic transport behaviors of 2D GeSe-phosphorene vdW heterojunctions. Nanotechnology, 30(40), 445703 (2019). IF: 3.874; Q1,TOP期刊

[17] Dandan Peng, Xiaojiao Zhang, Xiaobo Li, Di Wu, and Mengqiu Long*. First-principles study of electric field effect and spin-polarization transport propertiesof zigzag α-2 graphyne nanoribbons.J. Appl. Phys., 124(18), 184303 (2018).IF:2.546; Q2

[18] Liemao Cao, Xiaobo Li, Guang Liu, Ziran Liu, and Guanghui Zhou*. The spin-charge transport properties for a graphene-based molecular junction:A first-principles study, Org. Electron., 48, 357-364 (2017).IF: 3.721; Q1

[19] Liemao Cao, Xiaobo Li, Guang Liu, Ziran Liu, and Guanghui Zhou*. Effect of amino on spin-dependent transport through a junction of fused oligothiophenes between graphene electrodes, Chem. Phys., 17–21, 488–489 (2017). IF:2.348; Q2

[20] Xiaobo Li, Liemao Cao, Hui-Li Li, Haiqing Wan, Guanghui Zhou*. Spin-resolved transport properties of a pyridine-linked single molecule embedded between ZGNR electrodes, J. Phys. Chem. C, 120(5), 3010−3018, (2016). IF: 4.536; Q1, TOP期刊

[21] Xiaobo Li, Huili Li, Haiqing Wan, Guanghui Zhou*. Effects of amino-nitro side groups on electron device of oligo p-phenylenevinylene molecular between ZGNR electrodes, Org. Electron. 19, 26-33 (2015). IF: 3.721; Q1

[22] Xiaobo Li, Hao Gao, Haiqing Wan, Hui-Li Li, Guanghui Zhou*. A multi-functional molecular device based on oligo phenylenevinylene and graphene, Chem. Phys. Lett., 610, 298–302 (2014). IF: 2.328; Q2

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