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职称/职务:教 授

研究方向与领域 :非线性分析,偏微分方程,应用统计

联系方式: zhangjian@hutb.edu.cn














担任湖南省计算数学与应用软件学会理事;中国-罗马尼亚应用数学研究中心骨干成员;担任如下国际SCI期刊的编委:《Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences》《Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations》《Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2》







湖南省自然科学基金面上项目, 非线性薛定谔耦合系统解的存在性与性质的研 究, 2021JJ30189, 2021-2023,主持

3、湖南省教育厅重点项目,分数阶Choquard耦合动力系统的研究,21A0387, 2021-2023,主持


5、湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,量子力学中数学物理方程解的动力学研究, 17B143, 2017-2019,主持



[1] N.S. Papageorgiou, Jian Zhang*, W. Zhang, Solutions with sign information for noncoercive double phase equations. J. Geom. Anal. 34 (2024) 14.

[2] Jian Zhang, H. Zhou, H. Mi, Multiplicity of semiclassical solutions for a class of nonlinear Hamiltonian elliptic system, Adv. Nonlinear Anal., 13 (2024), 20230139.

[3] N.S. Papageorgiou, Jian Zhang*, W. Zhang, Global existence and multiplicity of solutions for nonlinear singular eigenvalue problems,Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S (2024) Doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2024018.

[4] W. Zhang, Jian Zhang*, V. D. Radulescu, Concentrating solutions for singularly perturbed double phase problems with nonlocal reaction, J. Differential Equations 347 (2023) 56-103.

[5] N.S. Papageorgiou, V.D. Rădulescu, Jian Zhang*, Parametric anisotropic singular equations with [p(z),q(z)]-growth conditions and indefinite perturbation. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 117 (2023) 158.

[6]Jian Zhang, W. Zhang, V.D. Rădulescu, Double phase problems with competing potentials: concentration and multiplication of ground states, Math. Z., 301 (2022) 4037-4078.

[7]Jian Zhang, W. Zhang, Semiclassical states for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system with competing potentials. J. Geom. Anal. 32 (2022), no. 4, 114.

[8] D. Qin, X. H. Tang, Jian Zhang*, Ground states for planar Hamiltonian elliptic systems with critical exponential growth, J. Differential Equations 308 (2022) 130-159.

[9] Q. Li, Jian Zhang*, J. Nie,, Multiplicity and concentration results for generalized quasilinear Schrodinger equations with nonlocal term, Anal. Math. Phys.12 (2022) 82.

[10] W. Zhang, Jian Zhang*, Multiplicity and concentration of positive solutions for fractional unbalanced double-phase problems, J. Geom. Anal. 32 (2022) 235.

[11] Q. Li, V. D. Rădulescu, Jian Zhang, X. Zhao, Normalized solutions of the autonomous Kirchhoff equation with Sobolev criticalexponent: sub- and super-critical cases, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023) 663-678.

[12] N.S. Papageorgiou, V.D. Rădulescu, Jian Zhang*, Sequences of high and low energy solutions for weighted (p,q)-equations, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys S. (2022),

[13] N.S. Papageorgiou, V.D. Rădulescu, Jian Zhang*, Ambrosetti-Prodi problems for the Robin (p,q)-Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA, 67 (2022) 103640.

[14] S. Yuan, X. H. Tang, Jian Zhang*, Semiclassical states of fractional Choquard equations with exponential critical growth, J. Geom. Anal. 32 (2022) 290

[15] Q. Li, Jian Zhang*, J. Nie, W. Wang, Semiclassical solutions of generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equations with competing potentials,Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 68 (2023) 1045-1076.

[16] T. Wang, W. Zhang, Jian Zhang*, Existence and asymptotics of ground states

to the nonlinear Dirac equation with Coulomb potential, Asymptotic Analysis 130 (2022) 187-212

[17] Q. Li, Jian Zhang*, J. Nie, Ground state solutions for generalized quasilinear

Schrödinger equations with critical growth, Quali. Theory Dyna. Syst. (2022) 21:137

[18] Jian Zhang, J. Chen, Q. Li, W. Zhang,Concentration behavior of semiclassical solutions for Hamiltonian elliptic system, Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 10 (2021) 233-260.

[19] Wen Zhang, Jian Zhang*, H. Mi, Ground states and multiple solutions for Hamiltonian elliptic system with gradient term, Adv. Nonlinear Anal.10 (2021) 331-352

[20] Q. Li, J. Nie, W. Wang, Jian Zhang*, Existence and asymptotic behavior of localized nodal solutions for a class of Kirchhoff-type equations, J. Geometric Analysis, 31 (2021) 12411-12445

[21] Jian Zhang, W. Zhang, F. Zhao, Existence and exponential decay of ground-state solutions for a nonlinear Dirac equation, Z. Angew. Math. Phys.69 (2018) 116.

[22] F. Liao, X. Tang, Jian Zhang, Existence of solutions for periodic elliptic system with general superlinear nonlinearity, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 66 (2015) 689-701

[23] Jian Zhang, W. Zhang, X. Tang, Ground state solutions for Hamilton elliptic system with inverse square potential, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys. A, 37 (2017) 4565-4583.

[24] Z. Chen, X.Tang, N. Zhang, Jian Zhang*, Standing waves for Schrodinger Poisson system with general nonlinearity, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys. A, 39 (2019) 6103-6129.

[25] Jian Zhang, W. Zhang, X. H. Tang, Semiclassical limits of ground states for Hamiltonian elliptic system with gradient term, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA 40 (2018) 377-402.

[26] Jian Zhang, Wen Zhang, Existence and asymptotic behavior of ground states for Schrödinger systems with Hardy potential, Nonlinear Analysis 189 (2019) 111586.

[27] Jian Zhang, Wen Zhang, Existence and decay property of ground state solutions for Hamiltonian elliptic system, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 18 (2019) 2433-2455.

[28] Z. Chen, X. Tang, Jian Zhang*, Sign-changing multi-bump solutions for the Chern Simons Schrödinger equations, Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 9 (2020) 1066-1091.

[29] Q. Li, K. Teng, Jian Zhang*, Ground state solutions for fractional Choquard equations involving upper critical exponent, Nonlinear Analysis 197 (2020) 111846.

[30] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, Ground state solutions for non-periodic Dirac equation with superquadratic nonlinearity, J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013) 101502.

[31] Q. Li, K. Teng, Jian Zhang, Concentration behavior of solutions for fractional Schrödinger equations involving critical exponent, J. Math. Phys. 61, 071513 (2020)

[32] Jian Zhang, W. Zhang, X. Xie, Existence and concentration of semiclassical solutions for Hamiltonian elliptic system, Commu. Pure Appl. Anal. 15 (2017) 599-622.

[33] Jian Zhang, X. Tang, W. Zhang, On semiclassical ground states for Hamiltonian elliptic system with critical growth, Topol. Meth. Nonl. Anal. 49 (2017) 245-272.

[34] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, Ground state solutions for a class of nonlinear Maxwell-Diracsystem, Topol. Meth. Nonl. Anal. 46 (2015) 785-798.

[35] Jian Zhang, W. Qin, F. Zhao, Multiple solutions for a class of nonperiodic Dirac equations with vector potentials, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012) 5589-5600.

[36] Jian Zhang, X.Tang,W. Zhang, Existence and multiplicity of stationary solutions for a class of Maxwell-Dirac system, Nonlinear Analysis127(2015) 298-311.

[37] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, Ground states for nonlinear Maxwell Dirac system with magnetic field, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 421 (2015) 1573-1586.

[38] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, Ground-state solutions for superquadratic Hamiltonian elliptic systems with gradient terms, Nonlinear Analysis 95 (2014) 1-10.

[39] Jian Zhang, X.Tang, Semiclassical solutions for a class of Schrodinger system with magnetic potentials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 414 (2014) 357-371.

[40] Jian Zhang, W. Qin, F. Zhao, Existence and multiplicity of solutions for asymptotically linear nonperiodic Hamiltonian elliptic system, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 399 (2013) 433-441.

[41] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, Ground states for diffusion system with periodic and asymptotically periodic nonlinearity, Computer Math. Appl. 71 (2016) 633-641.

[42] Jian Zhang, X. Tang, W. Zhang, On semiclassical ground state solutions for Hamiltonian elliptic systems, Applicable Analysis, 94(2015) 1380-1396.

[43] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, On ground state solutions for superlinear Dirac equation, Acta Mathematica Scientia 34 (2014) 840–850.

[44] Jian Zhang, X. Tang, W. Zhang, Infinitely many large energy solutions for superlinear Dirac equations, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 38 (2015) 1485-1493.

[45] Jian Zhang, W. Qin, F. Zhao, Multiple solutions for a semiclassical Schrödinger equation, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012) 1834-1842. 

[46] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, Infinitely many solutions of quasilinear Schrodinger equation with sign-changing potential, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 420 (2017) 1762-1775. 

[47] Jian Zhang, X. H. Tang, W. Zhang, Existence of infinitely many solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 37 (2015) 131-135.

[48] Jian Zhang, X. Tang, W. Zhang, Existence of multiple solutions of Kirchhoff type equation with sign-changing potential, Appl. Math. Comp. 242 (2016) 491-499 

[49] Jian Zhang, W. Zhang, X. Xie, Infinitely many solutions for a gauged nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Appl. Math. Letters 88 (2019) 21-27.

[50] Jian Zhang, X. Tang, F. Zhao, On multiplicity and concentration of solutions for a gauged nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Applicable Anal.,12(2020) 2001-2012.

[51] Jian Zhang, X. Lin, X. Tang, Ground state solutions for a quasilinear Schrodinger equation, Mediterr. J. Math. (2017) 14:84

[52] X. H. Tang, Jian Zhang*,Ground state solutions of Nehari-Pankov type for a superlinear elliptic system, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 40 (2016) 729-740.

[53] X. Tang, Jian Zhang*, W. Zhang, Existence and concentration of solutions for the Chern Simons Schrödinger system with general nonlinearity, Results Math 71 (2017) 643-655.

[54] W. Zhang, X. Tang, B. Cheng, Jian Zhang*, Sign-changing solutions for fourth order elliptic equations with Kirchhoff-type, Commun.Pure Appl. Anal., 15 (2016) 2161-2177

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