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  名: 聂国政

所属学科: 电子科学与技术

职称: 副教授

职务: 教师

联系电话: 19911358078


研究领域: 薄膜光电子器件;稀土纳米功能材料的可控合成及传感应用研究、微纳光学传感器制备与仿真。

掌握的外国语: 英语


教育背景(华南理工大学  微电子与固体电子学博士;):

 工作经历:天马微电子股份有限公司工作站从事博士后研究工作 2012-2014




1)聂国政,谢明鑫,陈智全等。 集成石墨烯的全介质超表面的光吸收调制和图像显示功能研究,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 2024 年 第 54 卷 第 11 : 114211

2Zonglin Li(学生), Guozheng Nie(聂国政,通讯作者)*Linfeng Lan. High-quality quasi-bound state in the continuum enabled single-nanoparticle virus detectionVol. 49, No. 12 / 15 June 2024 / Optics Letters

3) , Guozheng Nie(聂国政), Fang zhong (学生)Yuqing zhao, etal .Engineering photoelectric conversion efficiency in two-dimensional ferroelectric C2PbI2Cl2/Sc2CO2 heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 252903 (2024)

4) , Zonglin Li(学生), Guozheng Nie(聂国政,通讯作者)Polarization-modulating switchable and selectable image display through an ultrathin quasi-bound-state-in-the-continuum metasurface, PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 21, 034039 (2024)

5Zonglin Li(学生), mingxinXie, Guozheng Nie(聂国政,通讯作者)*Junjuiwang, Lujun Wang*. Pushing Optical Virus Detection to a Single Particle through a HighQ Quasi-bound State in the Continuum in an All-dielectric Metasurface, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 10762−1076(SCI, IF=5.7Q1)

6Guozheng Nie, Diwen Tan(学生), Zonglin Li, Fang Zhong, Huilin Li, Shiping Zhan*, Yunxin Liu*. Dual-tuning upconversion luminescence based on perfectly absorbed nanocavities under triple NIR excitation, Journal of alloys and compounds, 2023, 938168534-16243 (SCI, IF=6.371, Q1).

7Fang Zhong(学生), GuoZhengNie*(聂国政,通讯作者),Yufei Lang, HuilinLi, Xuelong Gan, YuQing Zhao, First-principle study on photoelectric properties of all-inorganic two-dimensional double perovskite Cs3AgBiBr7, physical chemistry chemical physics2023, 25, 3175–3181 (SCI, IF=3.945, Q1).

8Zonglin Li(学生), Guozheng Nie* (聂国政,通讯作者), Zhiquan Chen, Deqiong Li, Diwen Tan, , Hui Xu, Yunxin Liu. Polarization-sensitive switchable display through critical coupling between graphene and aquasi-BIC. physical chemistry chemical physics, 2022, 24, 29594–29600(SCI, I=3.945, Q1).

9Pujin Wang(学生), Shengbin Cheng, Yao Xu, Guozheng Nie(聂国政,通讯作者)*, Shiping Zhan, Yunxin Liu* ,Upconversion nanoparticles with active shell exhibit high thermometry sensitivity in water, Materials Research Bulletin, 2023,162, 112190(SCI, IF=5.66, Q1).

10Yuting Liu(学生),, Shipin Zhan, Xin XU, Guozheng Nie(聂国政,通讯作者), Xiaofeng Wu, YunxinLiuOptical. strategy for detecting hypochlorite in vitro and cell with high selectivity and stability based on lanthanide doped upconversion probeRSC Advances 2022,12:31608-31616.SCI IF: 4.036 Q2

11Biao Dong(学生),, Xiaofeng Wu, Guozheng Nie *(聂国政,通讯作者), Yunxin Liu* et al , Observation of high efficient photothermal conversion of sub-10 nm Au nanoparticles coated on upconversion nanoparticles, Optical materials, 2020, 101 :109665-109671. (SCI,  IF=3.080, Q2 ).




3)湖南省教育厅科学自然科学重点项目, 有机/无机/有机结构薄膜晶体管阈值电压无损耗调制及其界面电荷捕获机制的研究(20A193),已结题,主持

4湖南省自然科学基金面上项目, 新型内嵌金属氧化物有机薄膜晶体管的阈值电压的调控及其物理机制的研究(2016JJ2059),结题,主持



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